
Masthead component formats a banner image and content to sit alongside each other and allow for a call to action

Standard product masthead

Switching to AQA

Find out what makes AQA different.

Request an information pack
Request an information pack

Standard masthead banner with 50% flexgrid split as standard, image is placed first on tablet and mobile viewports.

Code example

<div class="c-masthead">
    <div class="c-masthead__content c-masthead__content--tablet-fullwidth c-masthead__content--mobile-fullwidth">
        <div class="col-xs middle-xs">
            <h1 class="c-masthead__content__heading">Switching to AQA</h1>
            <p>Find out what makes AQA different.</p>
            <a href="#" class="c-btn c-btn--primary c-btn--large u-ml0 ">Request an information pack</a>
    <div class="c-masthead__content c-masthead__content--media c-masthead__content--tablet-fullwidth c-masthead__content--mobile-fullwidth  col-xs first-md first-sm u-md-p0 u-sm-p0  u-md-mb0 u-sm-mb0">
        <a class="u-flex-shrink gtm-homepage-banner-1" href="#">
        <img src="48-Summer-results-homepage-banner.jpg" alt="Request an information pack"></a>

Masthead with background image, heading and text

Full width banner with opacity on the overlay is set to 90% using background:rgba(65,40,120,0.9) so that the Call to action button is solid colour. There is a mobile version which then only display the text body.

See your students' flourish with an EPQ

Build skills and experience with our Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Get support and resources

Mobile version example

See your students flourish with an EPQ

Build skills and experience with our Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Get support and resources
<div class="row row-inner c-masthead" style="background-image: url('Banner-EPQ.jpg'); background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
    <div class="c-masthead__content--no-border bg-brand-primary color-white col-xs col-xs-12 col-md-12 col-lg-6 col-xlg-5 hide-mobile" style="background:rgba(65,40,120,0.9)">
        <div class="col-xs middle-xs">
            <p class="color-white u-sh1 u-mt2 u-mb1-5 u-f-medium" style="line-height:1;">See your students' flourish with an EPQ </p>
        <p>Build skills and experience with our Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)</p>
            <a class="c-btn c-btn--primary c-btn--large u-mb2-5 u-t-center" id="js-tools" href="#">Get support and resources</a>
    <div class="c-masthead__content--no-border bg-brand-primary color-white col-xs col-xs-12 col-md-12 col-lg-4 col-xlg-4 mobile-only" >
        <div class="col-xs middle-xs">
            <p class="color-white u-sh1 u-mt2 u-mb1-5 u-f-medium" style="line-height:1;">See your students flourish with an EPQ </p>
        <p>Build skills and experience with our Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)</p>
            <a class="c-btn c-btn--primary c-btn--large u-mb2-5 u-t-center" href="#">Get support and resources</a>

Masthead with video embedded

Teaching from September 2023

Spark something powerful

Inspirational new texts and poetry for GCSE English Literature.

Code sample

<div class="row row-inner c-masthead u-b--radius-bottom--right">
    <div class="c-masthead__content c-masthead__content--no-border  bg-brand-primary c-masthead__content--tablet-fullwidth c-masthead__content--mobile-fullwidth  u-md-p0 u-sm-p0  u-md-mb0 u-sm-mb0 u-b__mobile--radius-bottom--right u-b__tablet--radius-bottom--right">
        <div class="col-xs middle-xs">
        <p class="u-mt2"><span class="c-badge c-badge--large c-badge--light-new">Teaching from September 2023</span></p>
        <h1 class="color-white">Spark something <span style="color:#FCFF00"><strong>powerful</strong></span></h1>
        <p class="color-white u-sh5">Inspirational new texts and poetry for GCSE English Literature.</p>
    <div class="c-masthead__content c-masthead__content--media c-masthead__content--tablet-fullwidth c-masthead__content--mobile-fullwidth  col-xs  u-md-p0 u-sm-p0  u-md-mb0 u-sm-mb0 u-p0 first-sm first-md" >
        <div class="o-media o-media__video c-icon c-icon--large c-icon__anim-loading--purple u-pt0" style="padding-bottom:55.25%">
        <iframe src="" frameborder="0"
           allowfullscreen="" title="Spark something - new texts from modern writers" loading="lazy"></iframe>

Masthead with video embedded and background images applied

Campaign Title

Hero text
Call to action

Code example

<div class="c-masthead">
<div class="c-masthead__content c-masthead__content--media c-masthead__content--tablet-fullwidth c-masthead__content--mobile-fullwidth" style="align-items:unset;background-image:url('background-img')">
    <div class="col-xs middle-xs padding-half-sm u-xlg-pl2 u-lg-pl2">
    <h1 class="c-masthead__content__heading u-lg-mt0 u-mb2">Campaign Title</h1>
        <div class="u-mb1">Hero text</div> 
        <a href="#"  class="c-btn c-btn--large c-btn--primary u-ml0 u-sm-mt0 c-btn--primary">Call to action</a>
<div class="c-masthead__content c-masthead__content--media c-masthead__content--tablet-fullwidth c-masthead__content--mobile-fullwidth  col-xs  u-md-p0 u-sm-p0  u-md-mb0 u-sm-mb0 u-p0 first-sm first-md   c-masthead__content--media ">
    <div class="o-media o-media__video c-icon c-icon--large c-icon__anim-loading--purple u-pt0" style="padding-bottom:55.25%">
        <iframe src="#" loading="lazy" frameborder="0"
            allowfullscreen="" title="yt video title"></iframe>